Celebrating 25 years of equipping the church to connect with those furthest from faith.

In 2023 we celebrated 25 years since Paul Griffiths, the founder of UDC, started his work to equip the church to find fresh ways to reach out to those who are furthest from faith.

Since then, as a charity, we have created resources that have been used to connect with many tens of thousands of people across the UK and beyond. We would like to thank you for your support of UDC and for the part you have played in supporting us in our mission. Could you continue to support us financially as we carry on this work.

In 2023 we reached another exciting milestone in that we now have resources for children aged under 10 with the launch of Table Talk packs for Early Years, Children and Families. This means across our range of resources we now cover mission and ministry from the youngest to the oldest, but there is more we can do.

The UK is now widely recognised as a post-Christian society with over 52% of the population identifying as a “none” (having no religious affiliation).

over the next two years

We have some exciting plans to create conversational and relationship-rich spaces where people outside of the church can start exploring how they can find life in all its fulness.

  • A new Table Talk pack exploring how we handle difference in others; partnering with a school in the Forest of Dean to develop it.

    Table Talk Christmas Crackers.

    Updates on some of current Table Talk packs, as well as updating and putting our University Students pack into print.

  • The launch of 10:10 for Children, a brand-new resource to help children live life well.

  • A new pop-up exhibition around the theme of finding happiness for use in churches, community settings, colleges and universities.

  • The launch of KOBLE, a resource to help churches explore how to grow mission in their context.

  • The launch of a new UDC app as part of the digitalisation of our resources, to bring them to new audiences in the UK and indeed all over the world (our resources have been sent or downloaded in 81 countries).

    Adding new content to our existing courses so that they can remain relevant, be used in additional contexts and applied in a variety of different ways.

The power of conversation

We are passionate about helping people find life in all its fullness through the power of conversation, and resourcing the church for mission. Through our resources and training, we work to highlight the importance of conversation in mission and equip people to have more meaningful dialogue with one another, in order to find meaning, purpose and fulfilment in life.

Our resources are used in homes, schools, universities, work places, community groups, pubs, cafes, care homes and numerous church-based programmes and spaces. We have resources for use with children, young people and adults that provide space for healthy conversations, centred around topics that really matter.

Can you help us?

We believe conversations change lives and as we celebrate our 25th anniversary, we want to ask for your help. We kindly ask if you might consider supporting us financially at this challenging time, to help us continue to resource the church locally and nationwide, to connect with those who are furthest from faith.